Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Participation Assignment 1

Participation Assignment 1

Q This is a group assignment! Please review the proposal group presentation assignment. We will not have an in-person class meeting July 13 with the intention that you will instead meet sometime that week in person or online (either at our regular class time, if that's preferable, or another time as needed) with your project group to plan, organize and delegate tasks in preparation for your presentation. For this assignment, please submit a collectively generated list of minimum six initial sources you have collectively found for the project and a list of minimum six tasks for preparing your presentation/roles broken down for each person in the group, as well as notes on progress for each person (can just be a bullet point -- e.g. made a Google doc, read X article and sent notes to group, etc). I need to see that you 1) have sources for your presentation preparation, which should include a mixture of UN/government documents, NGO documents/reports, and scholarly journal articles; and 2) that each person in your group is communicating with the entire group and participating in completing tasks to move the project forward. Any group member not listed on this group submission document with at least one task and progress note will not receive credit for this assignment and will need to speak to me to move forward with their group.

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Our main focus/Topic is: Inmigration relationship between Mexico to the United States Rubric/ Roles breakdown 1) source from each group member-Group 2) Introduction of the problem (why does the UDHR/human rights conventions need this revision? - Marta and Cielo 3) Where/in what conventions or treaties is this problem currently located by human rights activities/advocates (i.e., how are climate change refugees using the existing language in the Convention on Refugees as best they can to address the gap?)-Sophia and Kate 4) What are activists within the community harmed by this gap or absence advocating currently? - Kadija 5) What proposed language would you add to the UDHR (or if you wish you may advocate for a new treaty instrument, once you've examined the existing ones to ensure it's not already addressed) to create an expansive right addressing this problem, and why? - Guangyuan Ren (Jack?